Quick Guide
South Asian Heritage Month
This guide provides more information on South Asian Heritage Month and may help you consider how you can support your employees and how you might use this time to raise awareness across your organisation.
28 June 2023
Quick Guide
Khordad Sal (Zoroastrianism)
This guide may help you think about how you can support your employees during Khordad Sal (the Birthday of Zoroaster, also known as Zarathustra).
27 June 2023
Quick Guide
Birthday of Haile Selassie I (Rastafari)
This guide may help you think about how you can support your employees during the Birthday of Haile Selassie I, which is celebrated every year on 23 July.
20 June 2023
Panel Webinar: Allyship
This webinar explored the importance of allyship schemes, and the role of senior leaders in embedding allyship to create inclusive cultures.
15 June 2023
Quick Guide
Al-Hijra (Islam)
This quick guide can be used to help inform your workplace during Al-Hijra, which is the celebration of Islamic New Year’s Day by several subdivisions of Islam (including Muslim and Shi’a communities).
7 June 2023
Quick Guide
Hajj (Islam)
This quick guide can help inform your workplace during Hajj, which is an annual religious pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca).
6 June 2023
An Intersectional Approach to Mental Health
Intersectionality asserts that identities overlap, are interdependent, and affect how individuals experience and understand the working environment.
Recognising the impact of intersecting identities and experiences on mental health and wellbeing is crucial to supporting ourselves and our teams.
24 May 2023
Quick Guide
Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month
This quick guide can be used to help inform and support members of your workplace during Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month.
12 May 2023
Quick Guide
Midsummer Solstice (Paganism)
This quick guide can be used to help inform your workplace during midsummer solstice, a Pagan festival.
9 May 2023
Driving Social Mobility in the Workplace
This session featured the highly commended and award-winning entrants of enei’s Driving Social Inclusion and Social Mobility in the Workplace Award 2022.
26 April 2023